Monday, March 2, 2009

Sweets for the Sweet!

*Disclaimer: "I wanted this blog to be like the journal and scrapbooking I have never done. Well, It is definitely heading that way!! But the way I figure, I haven't written in my journal for over 17 years and I haven't scrapbooked for about 18 months, not blogging for 2 1/2 months is nothing!!!

Norah has a sweet tooth. She enjoyed her marshmallow trees that she got for Christmas.

She really likes to lick the beaters when I make something. I think this was the only picture I took on New Year's Eve. We actually had Jana and Cody + 4 kids, Steve and Katie + 2 kids and Us + 3 kids over for food and games. We even stayed up until 2 a.m.. The next day was killer!!!

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